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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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What powers does the House of Representatives have only?

Author: eric_galvao


-Bring forward Impeachment Charges: This can happen when the House wants to charge any public official. This must relate to reason, bribery, or a High Crime Misdemeanour. Trump in 2019 and 2021 had impeachment charges brought against them. A Simple Majority is needed -Elect the President if no candidate gets 50% of the Electoral College: Each state in the House gets one vote on the President of the USA. However, the FPTP makes this scenario hard to achieve, and only been seen in 1800 and 1824. -Considering Money Bills: Revenue raising bills, such as Taxes, must begin in the House. Comparing it to other bills, where they can begin in the Senate as well. The Senate does have a say in the Money Bills, and can Amend or Reject.

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