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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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What powers does the Senate have only?

Author: eric_galvao


-Try an Impeached official. If the House votes for Charges, the Senate holds the trial. 2/3 of the Senate must vote for the Removal of the President to occur. Both impeachments trail Trump's failure in the Senate. -Ratify Treaties: Only the Senate can accept/reject treaties from the President. The Senate allowed for the START Treaty in 2010 but rejected the UN Treaty on disabled rights in 2012. Executive Agreements are seen as a way to Bypass the Senate -Confirm Presidential Appointments: Over 1200 Positions are scrutinized and Voted on by the Senate. The Senate will investigate and hold committee hearings, then vote to confirm the Appointment with a simple majority needed. With the Majority in the Senate, Trump got some pretty interesting figures such as Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary. (Guns in schools to not allow Grizzly Bears!)

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