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Politics A-Level United States (DONE)

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What are the Key Characteristics of the Legislative Process in Congress?

Author: eric_galvao


-Congress is Proactive and not just Reactive. It does respond to Presidential Proposals, but can also Initiate Legislation. An Example can be the Electoral Count Reform Act 2023 -Congress is Active: Since Congress is separated from the Executive, Congress can Amend or Defeat Government Proposals. Joe Biden faced significant resistance from his Build Back Better, leading to only just a few things of the Bill passing -Legislation is to be Agreed by both the Senate and the House. They both have Co-Equal Legislative Power -Many requirements for a Bill to become Law. To get through, 50% is needed in each Chamber, a Series of Committees. -Lack of Party Unity makes it much more Harder to Pass Legislation. Obama faced a Gov Shutdown in 2013 for 16 days, after a disagreement on the funding of Obamacare (Republicans controlled the House) -President is Influential in Legislation and can set the Agenda. The Power to Veto is quite powerful as 2/3 of the House and Senate must agree to Overturn it, which is rare.

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