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3194 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇯🇵 |
相 | Together, mutually, fellow |
相変わらず | As ever, as usual, the same |
愛想 | Civility, courtesy, compliments |
相対 | Confrontation, facing, between ourselves |
間柄 | Relationship |
愛憎 | Likes and dislikes |
Interval | 合間 |
合間 | Interval |
曖昧 | Vague, ambiguous |
敢えて | Dare to do, challenge to do |
仰ぐ | To look up to, to respect |
垢 | Dirt, filth |
亜科 | Suborder, subfamily |
銅 | Copper |
証 | Proof, evidence |
赤字 | Deficit, go in the red |
明かす | To pass, spend, to reveal |
Baby, infant | 赤ちゃん |
赤ちゃん | Baby, infant |
明白 | Obvious, overt, plainly |
赤らむ | To become red, to redden, to blush |
明るい | Bright, cheerful |
上がり | Advance income, rise, advance |
上がる | To enter, to go up, to rise, to climb up |
商人 | Trader, shopkeeper, merchant |
空間 | Vacancy, room for rent or lease |
諦め | Resignation, acceptance, consolation |
呆れる | To be amazed, to be shocked |
悪 | Evil, wickedness |
灰 | Puckery juice |
悪日 | Unlucky day |
明くる | Next, following |
憧れ | Yearning, longing, aspiration |
Chin | 顎 |
顎 | Chin |
麻 | Flax, linen, hemp |
明後日 | Day after tomorrow |
朝寝坊 | Oversleeping, late riser |
浅ましい | Wretched, miserable, shameful |
字 | Section of village |
欺く | To deceive |
鮮やか | Vivid, clear, brilliant |
あざ笑う | To sneer at, to ridicule |
味わい | Flavor, meaning, significance |
東 | East, Eastern Japan |
焦る | To be in a hurry, to be impatient |
彼処 | There, over there, that place |
値 | Value, price, cost, worth, merit |
値する | To be worth, to deserve, to merit |
私 | I (fem) |
当たり | Hit, success, reaching the mark |
当たり前 | Usual, common, ordinary |
他人 | Another person, unrelated person, outsider |